CONTEXT : In the lead-up to the launch of StarTalers, an investment firm in Europe, I assumed the role of interim COO. This involved not only preparing the application file but also managing all critical aspects of the venture, ensuring a smooth and successful establishment.
- Organising, Preparing, Meeting with the local regulator
- Definition of a project Road Map
- Filing process of the license as Investment Firm in Luxembourg
- Definition of the European set of policies, processes and internal regulations
- Validation of all the external providers
- Acted as interim COO, overseeing all operational facets of the venture, including recruitment, training, organisational structure and strategic planning.
- Led the recruitment process to build a strong starting team, ensuring that key roles were filled with the right talent.
- Developed and implemented training programs to onboard new hires and align them with the firm's vision and goals.
- Developed a comprehensive project roadmap to guide the licensing process.
- Managed the entire licensing process for the start-up to become a registered Investment Firm in Luxembourg.
- Conducted due diligence, ensuring compliance with GDPR and other regulatory requirements of service providers.
- Led the selection of integrated solutions, including the evaluation, sourcing, and contractualisation of technology and service providers.
- Established a standardised set of European policies, processes and internal regulations for the firm.
TIMING : 6 months
ACHIEVEMENTS : Successfully established the FinTech as a licensed Investment Firm based in Luxembourg, with a well-trained team, robust operational foundation, and fully compliant integrated solutions for its European expansion.